Sunday, January 31, 2010

first two days of school werent that bad afterall:)
there were quite a few crescentians there!
hmmm... mostly npcc people, including hazzie!
and met a few nanyang people there also.
like um, from 6D - Zhiyong and Yew Yeong, Bus - Jiayan, Lower Pri - Geng Lin, Others - Xiang Yi (?), Yang Tze, and Lionel (?)
it's a small world huh? haha.
first day was mostly talks and more talks.
it was kinda boring:/
after school met up with dear for lunch and to pass him the remote:)
second day was mostly talks also, but at the end we had mass dance which was kinda fun!
i'm starting to like JJ.
"Welcome to JJ, this way please! *claps*"
made a few new friends from my OG also!
kelly is so happy:)

on friday night, went to watch edge of darkness with them (brother, dear and audrey and their cousins)
well, it was planned last minute, but i'm happy that we managed to go out:)
after the movie we (except their cousins) went to starbucks.
the two young ones were sharing a lot of stuff about themselves while the two younger ones just sit there and listened.
it was super interesting!! haha.
(um, but not the parts when my brother made me the topic:/)
then after that we played the monopoly card game. fun:D is the word. haha.
hmmm... actually the four of us can be considered childhood friends:)
i hardly remember anything about audrey when we were younger though:/
but i really enjoyed talking to her after so long:D
went back at about 4am that night! haha.
(my parents are not supposed to know about this okay!)
really had fun!!!
hopefully we can do this again when she comes back from sydney:)
anyway, kelly is NOT innocent right?! (say yes, please.)

things arent that bad so far huh?
well, at least we managed to meet up twice since school started:)

i MUST do well.

Delta!! Meet up this Saturday?:)

Monday, January 25, 2010

kelly is back by popular demand! haha.
anyway, it's been a super long time since i last updated:/
the previous two posts were drafts that i made super long ago.
was planning to update it, but well, got too lazy to do so. haha.

tomorrow is my "last" day of work:/
i'm kinda sad to actually have to stop work.
i really enjoy working there a lot!!
i'll probably miss the "HI! Welcome!:D" and "THANK YOU! See you again:)" that i'm so used to saying;
the little kids who would smile and say thank you when they leave the store;
stupid parents who would ask their children to say "thank you AUNTIE" (argh.);
and the times when i would look forward to end work and meet him for dinner (:D).
looking on the bright side, at least they've put me on hold:)
i'll be back during the holidays!!

school is starting soon:/
doesnt it feel like O's just ended yesterday huh?
i'm so used to being in Crescent.
wherever you go, you'll see familiar faces around.
but now, you'll have to start all over again...
i'm starting to feel very insecure about everything now:/
what if i cant make friends in my new school?
what if i try to be nice and people thinks that i'm hypocritical?
what if i try to open up and people thinks that i'm trying to gain attention?
there are so many what ifs...
well, i guess my self esteem can be quite low at times.
but i really care a lot about how people think of me. (is this good or bad?)
JC life is going to be short, and i really dont want to screw it up:/
and also, what about our secondary school friends?
will we still be able to be as close?
i remember the times when we graduated from primary school and how everyone was telling each other to keep in touch etc., but some friends are no longer in touch.
what if that happens this time also?
well, just hoping that everything will turn out better than expected:/

dont you hate it when parents start to nag? argh.
i must show good results by june. I MUST.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

hmmm... havent been updating for quite some time:/
okay, all the way back to Christmas...

party at that side was boring.
we only went there to eat and stone in front of the tv for 4 hours:/
after that, met up with part of delta at ION for the countdown.
saw live snow mans there! haha. (cause almost everyone was using the snow spray)
really enjoyed the atmosphere there:D
everyone seem to know everyone!! (like the duck tours passengers who would wave at us:D)
after we headed back to sop's house.
the plan was to go to henderson wave, but everyone was super tired and lazy.
so we played cards and talked about life till almost four:D haha.
it was my first sleepover at a friend's place!!
really enjoyed it:D

cant really remember what i did for the next few days:/
then on the 30th, had class outing:D

(kelly was too lazy to continue the post:/)


Kelly :D





December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

