Sunday, December 27, 2009

it's time for some long overdue posts!!:D


6D gathering:D
It was the most successful one in the past two years!!
It started to rain that day just when we arrived.
So we went for lunch at PIZZA HUT and played Indian Poker and Pig outside the Ticketing station to Sentosa:D
After that we went to Sentosa, played Captain's Ball, and then cycled.
Took the double bike with Audrey:)
We went back to Vivo for dinner.
Bought takeaways from the food court and went up to the Sky Park.
Played a few rounds of Dare-Or-Dare.
It was quite fun:D
Most of the guys were surprisingly very enthu! Haha.
There was another group playing also.
So we combined the dares for a few rounds:)
Some of the Dares we did:
- Shouting "Happy New Year, who want to pull my ear?"
- Asking a guy playing the guitar for his autograph.
- Singing a birthday song for a birthday girl.
- Kowtowing to the huge X'mas tree.
- Doing the Can Can with the other group.
- Pole dancing with a guy from the other group.
- Taking a picture with a stranger.
It was fun:D:D:D
Hopefully we can have another one on 2nd Jan...

Friday, December 25, 2009

i'm not sure if i can actually say that the problem is already solved, but at least things are more or less back to normal now.
i did find out a lot more stuff about my parents after this entire argument, but i'm not going to let all these affect my relationship with them or change my opinion of them.
no matter what they did or have done, they've done enough as my parents for me to respect them, and i will.
but i must say, ignorance is certainly a bliss...
it's actually better if you do not know about certain issues, really.

anyway, thanks to all those who've been there for me the past few days.
really appreciate you listening to all my rantings and your pieces of useful advice.
please dont worry, kelly will stay strong:)

X'mas party cum sleep over at Sop's house was fun!!!:D
will update more another time.

3 4, 3 4 2 4 3 5 1 3 2 7 4 7 4 7 (6 3 4 2 2 4 2 5:/)
4 4, 4 4 4!!!
1 4 3 2 4 4...

Monday, December 21, 2009

it's really tiring to put on a strong front and show that i dont really care:/
is it really my fault?
what have i done to this family...

4, 2 7 3 4 4 5, 1 6 2...

maybe everything was my fault.
maybe i should have put myself in his shoes and understand how he is feeling.
maybe i shouldnt have encouraged her to reply him with that sms.
maybe i shouldnt have taken sides.
everything is so screwed up now, and it's my fault.
all those encouragement that i've given, asking my mum to file for a divorce.
he's unreasonable and demanding at times, but he's still my dad.
at least i realised how much i meant to him when he asked whether i've had my dinner, even though he was drunk.
and how badly he said that he wanted to go home, thinking that he wasnt.
i have horrible parents, i really do.
i guess they didnt expect me to find out so much about them.
but i'm not going to let them know about what i know.
cause there's no point in doing so.
no matter what, they're still my parents.

3 4. 3 3 4 3 3, 3 1 2 7 3 2 5:/
10 2 5 5 4 5 3 4.
2 4 3 4 4 4 2; 4 8 5 10 4 2 1 3 8...

Friday, December 18, 2009

had part outing yesterday!! (though only two-third of the part turned up:/)
i'm very sorry that everything didnt go on according to plan:/
sorry that you all didnt get to cycle, had to pay extra for kbox and didnt have time to go to barrage:/

but i had fun:D (hopefully you all did too...)
kbox was great!!
although i sounded really horrible:/
the rest were awesome!! really enjoyed listening to them sing:D
then we had "dinner" under the bridge near esplanade.
pictures here!!

went shopping with yeeshan today!!
it was a rather fruitful day:D
though i spent quite a lot:/
that's how much we walked.
really had fun though:D

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

went to taka yesterday with chen ting to buy -'s birthday present.
before that, chih yin came over to my house to return me something.
so in the end, the 3 of us ended up having lunch together.
we went to yoshinoya (sp?).
it's been pretty long since i last went there to eat!!:/
most of the time spent there was trying to force the "crisis" out of chen ting.
it was hilarious!!
and we started questioning chih-yin about her future life in the states.
like whether she'll tell us if she's in a relationship etc.
walked around ion after that with chen ting.
sharing gossips and gossiping (like aunties!!) haha.
looking forward to how she'll really settle her "crisis" on sunday...

went "shopping" with yee shan today.
our plan was just to walk around today and we'll have another day planned when we'll really start spending and buying:D
we started walking around far east.
couldnt really pay attention to the stuff around there cause i was busy telling her about -.
anyway, yee shan can be quite bitchy at times also okay!! haha.
then both of us started to feel very sleepy:/
so we went to ION for food:):):)
we wanted to eat a lot of food, but ended up eating only takoyaki (sp?).
it was super filling!!
she bought japanese (i can pronounce this word properly okay!!) rice balls and i had yami yogurt:D
hmmm... then we started to walk to wisma, and then to taka, and then to paragon.
after that we decided to go to plaza sing cause we needed stuff from daiso and spotlight:)
on the way home, we were going down the escalator in the mrt station when we noticed two guys running for the train.
the train door was about to close, but the first guy just dashed in, leaving his friend outside.
the other guy outside just gave the "WHAT?!" expression/action and said quite loudly "EH...".
shall not blog about yee shan's reaction upon seeing what happened (i still have a bright future ahead!!) haha.
today was fun:D
though i spent quite a lot today:/:/:/

my dad confirmed it yesterday:/
i really really really dont feel like going...
but do i have a choice huh?
things would probably be different if someone isnt going to korea...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

went to taka to meet the "poor" chen ting who eats only old chang kee for dinner, for lunch:) (apparently that only happened once.)
i arrived there, but she wasnt able to leave yet.
so i walked around.
bought this box of pretty Christmas cards:)
hopefully i'll have the time to finish writing them and give them out.
considering the fact that i've lots of incomplete presents to finish up... i must stop procrastinating!!!
well, at least i've something to do now since i'm jobless huh?
so yup. after that i went back to stand in front of the counter that chen ting's working at.
i stood there observing people, and that includes her.
well, i must say she looks quite pro.
but not till the time when she said "SHIT" very loudly.
haha. i think she was shifting something and it got stuck.
and um, there was this queue filled with aunties queuing for gift wraps just beside the counter.
she wanted to make fun of me, who was standing near all the cups and stuff.
so she said loudly, "auntie! how much are the cups huh?"
immediately, one of the aunties in the queue turned to stare at her.
she was super embarrassed, she squad down and hid behind the counter.
then i noticed a very old couple who were carrying huge bags of stuff.
the old lady was holding a lot of gift wrappers also.
i guess they bought christmas gifts for their family, which i found quite heartwarming.
they seem to be struggling with those huge bulky bags, but they also seem very happy.
there's just this feeling in me which i cannot describe in words when i saw them.
do you all actually get what i'm trying to say?
and why does my previous 5 lines seem like i'm doing picture discussion huh? HAHA.
then there was the super busy staff at the gift wrapping counter trying so hard to wrap the customer's gifts up properly.
something in common, they would always smile when they pass the wrapped gifts back to their customer:)
well, maybe they're supposed to do so, but it seems as though they feel happy being able to wrap the gifts up nicely for their customers:)
do you all get what i'm trying to say again? haha.
i notice a lot of other people also, but those mentioned above were like the highlights. haha.
then after a period of observation, chen ting and i went for lunch.
well, i was expecting her to go in the locker room and get changed.
but she came out only with her green jacket over her entire taka outfit!
i swear she looked damn funny (a nicer word to replace retarded).
then we went to buy the bento set from TORI Q and sat near the fountain to eat:)
after lunch, we walked back to her locker room and then i left.
my mum called to tell me that she'll be around taka in 30 mins.
so i decided to wait.
but in the end i decided not to.
cause i dont like to walk around aimlessly alone:/
so i called to tell her that i'll be going home.
BUT in the end i dont know how to go home from taka:/ (i have no idea how to get around orchard!!)
and i was too lazy to walk to the mrt station.
so i called my mum, again.
i tried to ask her for directions, but after trying so hard, i still couldnt understand:/
the next thing i asked her, "are you all on your way? i shall wait for you."
so i walked all the way to lucky plaza (they went to deliver shoes for my grandparents )to meet them.
well, i waited at the taxi stand for like 40 mins:/
(kelly is a very patient person huh?) haha.
i did nothing but observe people again.
well, nothing interesting though.
just stared at this group of Filipinos who were arguing.
this lady was super angry that she was screaming at the top of her voice.
the other lady getting scolded was just showing attitude, standing with her arms crossed.
i felt so pissed for the lady who was doing the scolding.
but maybe she's scolding the wrong person or something?
oh well. they were speaking (or should i say screaming) in Tagalog, so yup.
i didnt understand a single word. haha.
there were other people around also, with that group.
two other man, one smoking, one playing with his phone.
another lady just looking around and up in the trees.
the last lady occasionally commented, but seems like she was ignored most of the times.
so, after 40 mins, my aunt and my aunt came:)
we went to people's park to buy some stuff then went for dessert around chinatown:D
dessert was awesome!!
after a few hours, went for dinner.
at night my brother was having dinner and i stole a little of his food.
this is bad. kelly ate so much today okay!! argh.

anyway, why is kelly not working?
well, that manager told me that i can start training after i came back from overseas since i'll be away during the training session.
when i came back, she told me that she wont have time to arrange for training for me as december is a really busy period.
so yup, i can only start work next year:/:/:/

yesterday i went to visit my grandpa at the workshop (or factory?).
it's been quite long since i last saw him:/
anyway, he and my grandma are still pretty busy with all the shoe orders.
since i'm only starting work next year, i guess i'll be going down more often to give them a hand:D
i'm still upset over the fact that i can only start work next year!!! argh.
swept the entire workshop and helped to count their orders.
it was unexpectedly tiring!!
i think my grandparents are fitter than i am now:/
this is bad. this is bad. this is bad.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

still not asleep:/ haha.
anyway, a video that really made me cry...

Eliot was born with an undeveloped lung, a heart with a hole in it and DNA that placed faulty information into each and every cell...

should i continue waiting or should i just go to bed?
i guess you forgot, again:/

kelly's really bored now:/
bored to the extent that her beloved brother is taking pity on her and singing her a song, in Cantonese. (awesome.)
after he finished singing the song, he realised that i didnt understand it at all.

he's trying to rap now. um, failed:/

*spins head around vigorously*
um, i guess he only knows that part of the song???

trying an english love song now.
(silence for a minute...)
he cant find the lyrics:/

oops! did i just hear him swear?

he's trying to sing a thai song now.
(searching for lyrics...)
it's actually a chinese song but the thai version.
erm, i think i'm hearing chinese words...
okay, now thai.
wait, but it's a different song!!

okay, moved on to the next song.
it's really thai now.
(trying very hard to get the lyrics right.)
um, going a little off tune...

okay, my brother is damn hilarious.
haha. awesome! i love him<3

guess what?
after all this nonsense, "i have a test later."
*thumbs up for him*

i dont know if i'm doubting you, or myself...
well, i shall just go to bed...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Finally got the pictures up!!:D

MK Restaurant!! Love it:)

Some random bins that i took outside a toilet.
So many of them huh?

This is damn gross.

Pretty waterfall!!:D

One of the photos i took!
It's damn nice right? (you're not allowed to disagree!:P)

I think I have talents for photography:D

Nice room that we stayed for 2 nights in some resort:D

You're thinking that i have talents too huh?:)

Emo cousin... Haha.

Don't deny. I have it. (HAHA)

I like the sunlight in the picture!!!:D

We went to this place filled with sunflowers!!

Pretty pretty.

Have you ever seen so many sunflowers in your entire life?
Dont be jealous:P Haha.

The peacock in here was kinda desperate.
It was trying so so hard to attract the peahen!!
Apparently, there were roosters and other feather stuff around too.
So it had to try to attract and shoo the rest away at the same time!!
It was hilarious!!:D

See, it's confirmed. I have it.

We went to sit the thailand G-max:)
(Kelly, i'm super proud of you!!)
My screams were horrible though:/
And my cousin and i screamed at different times.
It was funny:D

He's a real person!!

So is he!
Super amazing.

It took only approximately 3 mins for the sun to disappear from this position!

My cousin looks damn pro here. Haha.

We went on a submarine!!:D
That's the "entrance".


Nothing much to see underwater though:/
Was expecting to see the nemo species, but everything was so dull...
Like those in the picture:/

Well, i'm kinda lazy to upload more. Haha.
Had a super ticklish experience of fish spa and a super tiring experience of windsurfing too.
Oh. And we went to watch the Tiffany Show.
It's a concert filled with super beautiful females-look-alike.
Shall upload the pics asap after getting it from my aunt:D

looks like the friendship is over:/

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

back from thailand:D
it was AWESOME!!!

[blogger refuses to let me upload my photos!! argh.
shall upload another day then.]

memories of Christmas time with you will just kill me if i'm on my own...
-a lonely september, plain white t's


Kelly :D





December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

