Monday, August 31, 2009

i am very very sleepy:/
i'm supposed to have finished studying social studies by now, but obviously not done:/

anyway, today was a very happy day:D
mass dance was awesome!
skit (minus off the rehearsals part) was even better!
i love 4S2A<3

-'s kicking up a big fuss over small things again.
and i dont like it:/

i think somebody ought to confiscate my laptop away from me!
it's giving me far too many distractions:/
and i cant find the motivation to study...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

time check: 12:42

kelly's very very tired:/
she's excited for the lunch later!:)
and she's excited for sunday (get that idea of your mind!) cause of class tee:D
she looks forward to monday, for class dance and skit:)

alright. this is a retarded post:/
take care everybody! have a good weekend rest:)

Monday, August 24, 2009

kelly MUST stop thinking about it:/

Saturday, August 22, 2009

"there's a limit to everyone's patience."
yes. kelly will remember that in future.
i'm sorry that i pissed you off:/

results were out on wednesday.
at first i thought, i shouldnt pressurize myself that i must get a one.
i felt that a two would be good enough.
but i guess i was wrong.
i realised deep inside, how badly i wanted a one.
it was just super depressing:/
oh well. but i wont be re-taking it.
anyway, i kinda realised that friends and family members will really be there for you when you're feeling down.
the constant reassurance that i did well that day, honestly, did cheer me up:)
(although i still dont like the fact that i didnt get a one)

i am starting to detest myself a lot.
sometimes i really wished that you could believe what i say.
cause the feeling sucks when you dont gain the trust of others.
being well-aware that people dont really mean it, i still cant help but feel affected by it.
and i really hate myself for that.
because of this, i'm finding it harder to tell you things that i really wish you would know...
and i dont want to face all of these, alone.

prelims are in six days' time.
and i'm not prepared:/

you are the cause of all this.

Monday, August 17, 2009

is this like the piss-kelly-off period?
why is everybody so freaking annoying?!
i got nothing done tonight, not at all:/
and one thing for sure, i'm not pms-ing.
first it was my brother, then it was my dad, followed by my mum, and -, and -.

- :
you kept putting me down the whole time i was talking to you.
and i'm sick and tired of it.
initially i took it as a joke, but it really annoys me as the convo continued.
i told you i was annoyed, you told me that you're always annoying. WTH.

- :
stop acting as though you care when you dont.
it really irritates me each time you're so hypocritical.
and i dont like to be someone whom you'll look for only when you need help.
so stop taking me for granted.

argh. i dont know why i'm letting all these minor issues distract me so much.
prelims are round the corner, and i really want to get things done!
why must all these annoying people come and irritate me now?!

i need someone to talk/rant to.

super pissed with my brother now:/

Sunday, August 16, 2009

= disgraceful; shameful or shocking; improper: scandalous behavior in public
defamatory or libelous, as a speech or writing.
= attracted to or preoccupied with scandal, as a person: a scandalous, vicious gossip.

argh. i have super nice friends, let me tell you.
friends who mock at me.
friends who make me sound like a desperate freak.
friends who make me sound like a total slut.

*turns to look at my teddy bear*
"you're my only true friend:) you dont mock at me, dont make me sound like a desperate freak, dont make me sound like a total slut... Aw..."

argh. please ignore the teddy bear part.
it's just nonsense.
and it'd be freaky to have a talking teddy bear:/
but seriously, life right now it's like a nightmare.
everywhere you go, (people want to know...) people are mocking you about the same issue.
even during tuition, your phone vibrates.
you got a message about someone else asking about the same issue.

okay lah. but looking on the bright side, if it makes people happy, i dont mind being the joke.
to all my friends out there, see what a nice pal you have here huh?
better appreciate her okay!

i was falling asleep during tuition:/
today's lesson seemed to be exceptionally long!
and that stupid girl kept laughing to herself.
oh well. another week gone:/
"you're only down to one month and three weeks to your O' levels..."

copper goes through menstruation...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

just got back from my run:)
but i only ran for a while and i was super tired:/
let's see... we ran about 4km? (which includes i think 300m of walking)
this is bad.
"kelly, you better start training up your stamina!!!"
oh well. looking on the bright side, at least my leg is fully recovered:D
it really sucked not being able to run for 1 month:/
the whole world: i feel kinda energetic now!:):):)

today's bio tuition was kinda fun:)
i'm trying to plan a "class" outing for the whole bunch of us.
although all of us aren't that close, but since it's our last few lessons, why not huh?
and i actually asked Mr Lam today whether he is willing to buy our whole class lunch as a form of motivation for O' levels.
he replied, "lunch got motivation meh?"
in the end, we managed to make him say, "aiya, you organise lah. send me the bill."
but maybe he's just joking.
cause he was rushing off in order to not get fined for his parking fees:/
if we can really have the outing planned, it'd be so cool!

gosh. hungry ghost festival is coming:/
anyway, somebody once said that if i happen to bump into one, just give him a call and he'll ask it to go away. haha.

is it only me, or is blogger screwed?
anyway, today started off with something bad:/
its probably one of the stupidest thing i've ever done!
argh. hate myself.
i skipped lunch today to go for consultation.
i dont know why, but i feel so accomplished:)
okay, but i was super hungry after that.
kelly cannot go without food:/
and today's study session with eudea was kinda productive at the start.
but towards the end was just ranting about everything under the sun.
"you must stop complaining and feeling bad about it, or else those who are putting in effort will feel that they are not doing enough..."

kelly's going jogging tomorrow!!! :D

Thursday, August 13, 2009

since that girl claims that i didnt "BLOCK" about her...





i wanted to post a picture of you, but blogger didnt allow me to do so:/

and since i've proclaimed my love for you, you better not do anything on sunday okay!

i treat you to VENEZIA okay?

OR MOS BURGER with more onions?






okay, i dont know what else.

BUT! notice the "OR"s okay!

kelly did not mention that she that she will treat you everything mention in the above:)

the whole world:

i dont think he visits my blog that often already.

And I dont think he’ll be that smart to figure it out.

Haha. He has probably forgotten all about you!

i hate mosquitoes!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

yay! changed blogskin:)
kinda sick of the other one:/
yes, i'm supposed to be studying.
but i only spent 30 mins doing this! pro huh? Haha.
i "ponned" tuition today:/
cause lessons ended late and i'm super tired.
so i decided to make-up another day:)
anyway, i think jovi's hamster is cute!
but i just dont like small furry movable stuff to be anywhere near me!
if you get sick of your pet one day, try bringing it near me:)
(i'll get rid of it for you, i promise.)

"you cannot control what happens to you;
but you can control your attitude towards it..."

i feel sick:/

Thursday, August 6, 2009

since tomorrow is national day celebration, i've decided to slack.
okay, maybe not slack. i'll write notes!

firstly, to my dearest mortal who's migrating soon:/
i doubt she'll actually read my blog, so all i want to say to her will be in the letter:)
but, i'll miss you babe<3

secondly, to the people i really miss spending my mondays and thursdays with.
none other than delta:)
dont worry, i've not forgotten about your R.O.D presents.
i'm working on it all these while. really am.
just that progressing very slowly:/
i really miss the times that we've spent together!

thirdly, to the people i feel like writing a note to! haha:D

this week passed by really quickly.
did i mention?
i really enjoy school a lot!
like it makes me forget about all the unhappiness in me.
i really love 4S2A:)

funny things that happened this week:
- the hilarious convo with -, and letting HER know about it. (but kinda gross in a way)
- jenna and our banana from A-Z song! HAHA. (we laughed till we teared so badly during bio!)
- "eudea, please separate your ear from the table. since sec 2 also like that..." -poon-
- How to get a free dinner from guys: Right after your meal, "thank you very much for the dinner. it was wonderful" (or something along that line.) Haha. -poon-
- will add on more when i can remember:D

racial harmony day:
(blogger refuses to let me upload the pictures:/)

YOG Learning Centre Amazing Race:
(blogger refuses to let me upload the pictures:/)

I have realised that one can really be happy if they praised more often.
Not that i've been praised a lot recently, but i just realised that it really feels good to be praised by others:D
So, from now on, i'll be very generous with my praises:D
Probably the person will just stare at me and laugh about it, but well, it'd make me feel happy too!:)

-to be continued- (i think? haha.)


Kelly :D





December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

