Sunday, May 24, 2009

another sleepless Sunday?
two comprehensions,
twenty-six comprehension MCQs,
two compositions,
four letter writing.

kelly's damn stressed.

dont you think this is such a nice photo taken?!
I LOVE 2A<333

what can i say?

perhaps you just dont understand me...
you feel like a stranger to me all of a sudden...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

there are just so many things i wana let you know.
but i just cant seem to bring myself to.
at times, i really cant help but think that you find me a nuisance.
from the fact that i'm always taking the first step.
it kinda proves that i'm right.
well, i doubt you're even gonna read this... :/

it feels great to be back with delta today.
though it was just a few hours, it was enough to make me smile:D
but photo taking kinda spoiled our mood.
it was supposed to be eight photos!
but they cut it down to 2, a group one:/
i think our batch is really the unluckiest...

for today...
i have 20 chinese close passages,
and 2 chinese letter writing.
due tomorrow:/

i didnt sleep for the whole of sunday:/
slept only about 1.30 - 12 last night.
super sleepy.
but kelly, you must perservere!!!

everything that had happened seem to feel like a really long dream...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

nah, i'm not that pro to come up with such a nice picture...
my brother gave me a link to a website:)
although the picture is cut off, but i think it's pretty!
got other designs, upload another time.

i've been having headache the whole day:/
slept only at 4a.m. last night.
i dont know how i managed to do that.
but at least my mum didnt find out...

Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale...

my life seem to have changed without all of you.
there's just this indescribable emptiness within me.
with you, life was much cheerful, much livelier.
right now, i shed tears for no rhyme or reason.
the laughter that we once all had together, no longer seems to exist.

delta, i miss you so...

my head's spinning from all that drinking...
party was kinda fun, but not until the end:/
oh well.
exactly 2 more weeks!
yes, i am worried.

why does it feel like you dont care anymore?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

the more you all push me to study, the more i wont!!!
it's really very annoying.
so what if chinese o's is coming?
you cant freaking force me to read the bloody shou ce everyday!
not like you borrowed it from your friend FOR ME, means i have to read it.
and not like when o's are coming, i dont deserve a break!
despite staying in school still 3p.m., tuition from 4p.m. to 6.15p.m., night study from 7.20p.m. to 8.30p.m.(though not very productive), you still expect me to study when i'm home?!
i've been studying the whole day!!!
everything that i ask you, your reply would be a freaking "no, you have to study later."
what is your problem?!
i really cant wait for the day when i actually fall so seriously ill that i land myself in the hospital.
or perhaps the day when i decide to jump off a building.
i'll see if you'll still tell me, "no, you have to study later..."
kelly's very annoyed now!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

although i am more than halfway done with sec 4 work,
i still have the entire sec 3 work to cover!!!
and nothing that i've studied seems to be in my head.
yes, i am feeling worried.
but theres no motivation in me to actually study.
cant get my FULL attention focused onto my books:/
i just feel like walking into class tomorrow and flunk my paper.
okay, you didnt see anything.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

was browsing through some pictures of beloved Delta.
i teared.
am missing the times we spent together quite badly.
be it the sad times when we flared up at each other, or the times we spent happily together...
i miss those days.
delta, please tell me that we'll never ever say goodbye...
cause i love all 11 of you so.

we fight, we laugh, we cry; as the years go by...

kelly needs to study!!!

to my stupid neighbour:
how many days do you freaking need to finish up whatever you are drilling?
don't you know its the exam period now huh?
it's really stupid for you to start drilling LAST thursday, decide to TAKE A BREAK on WEEKENDS and start drilling again yesterday and today!
is your house that freaking BIG?
well, i dont think so right?
since i'm living in the SAME BLOCK as you, and this entire building doesnt seem to have any floors protruding out...
perhaps you should buy a BIGGER DRILL.
sickening ass

i hate my cough mixture!!! (okay, actually, i dont like taking medicine at all...)

26 days to Chinese O's! Argh.

oh, and i dislike people who reads my mails without my consent!


Kelly :D





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