Sunday, April 26, 2009

i don't know what's the problem with them.
just leave me out of everything would you?
if you insist that whatever you do is right, what more can i say?
and stop saying that i'm showing attitude.
it's not that you aren't.

why do i feel so empty inside?

there are a lot of things troubling me deep inside.
but, i don't know how to open up to someone, anyone.
or perhaps there is just no one.
everything seems so important, but in fact, it isnt.
everything seems so unimportant, but in fact, it is.
can't seem to understand?
that's how i'm feeling right now.
i don't know if i'll regret the decision that i've made.
i'm just not willing to accept, willing to express how i really feel.
many times i've tried, but there's just something holding me back.
and i really want to apologise to you, for being what i would say, selfish.
i don't want to judge them based on their exterior, but they don't seem to behave like how they really are on the interior.
i believe that we still have one another, but everything just feels so different after 09 April...
is it just me?
i'm always smiling whenever i see all of you, but deep down, i'm very worried.
i try not to be prepared for the worst, hoping that everything would remain at its best.
but should things really worsen, i wonder how long i can continue this deception to myself.
sometimes, looking on the bright side may not really be a good thing.
i'm really tired after this week. mentally tired.
i may seem as though i don't care about anything, but actually, i really do.
from study grades to them to my family.
and it's really tiring to have to put up a false front...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The following conversation was made when i tried to befriend somebody in my Primary School.
Well, i don't exactly remember striking this conversation with her, but this was what she told me.
Oh, and btw, i was primary 5...

Me: hey, what's your favourite colour?
Her: blue:)
Me: oh. my favourtite colour's pink. that's why my bag is pink.

I can't believe i said that okay!
it's super primary 1/2 way of talking...
but i was a freaking primary 5 kid then!
kelly, was that how you always tried to make friends?!
"what's your favourite colour?"
omg. omg. omg. omg. omg.
that someone told me that she remembered the conversation so clearly because actually her favourite colour's pink also.
but at that time, blue and green were the colours that people were "after" and it was cool.
so she told me blue.
damn hilarious.

Friday, April 17, 2009

sometimes i feel as though, the more i try to not be someone i dont want to be and is not who i really am, the more i appear to be.
get what i mean?
well, perhaps i think too much.
i dont know:/

i dont know what's with your hot and cold attitude,
but i just hope that it wouldnt last long.
because you make me feel so lost of what to do...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Prefer someone with you
You want someone there, you want to have someone to wake up to every morning. You tell people you are happy alone, and some of the time you are but in reality it's not what you would choose.

i took the above quiz on Facebook:D
Are you happy being yourself?

okay, i suck a lot.
i have a lot of outstanding post which i have yet to post!
i think i have at least 3 drafts in my account now:/

i shouldnt be here.
i have 1 chinese compo, 1 chinese letter writing and 1 english letter writing to hand in tomorrow:/
but i cant help it.
got a new keyboard!!!


Kelly :D





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