Tuesday, March 31, 2009

since my keyboard is miraculously working well now...
okay, i'm supposed to be doing my weekly letter writing (sucks big time!!!) now.
but i'm kinda lazy to actually pick up my pen and start writing.
okay, i hate myself a lot for that.
please dont read the following if you think your 2.4 timing sucks.
well, i think overall the whole class deproved.
and that's quite crazy.
my last years' timing got me about 8th position in class.
that is if i didnt remember wrongly.
this year, the top in class is 8 seconds slower than my last years' timing!
see the difference?
8th '08= x
1st '09 = x + 8 secs
whats with algebra and me?
okay, but i still got an A.
so i shall just shut up and think of those who didnt do well:/
during the run, i did something stupid.
i dont exactly know what happened though.
i was running and suddenly i ran towards the railing.
okay, you have the permission to laugh at me.
until you read the next line.
because the railing had some pebbled surface, i've "earned" myself:
- a cut as long as my index finger on my right wrist,
- 2 small cuts near my fingers,
- about 6 cuts on my thigh.
yes, ouch.
i didnt realise i was bleeding till the end.
okay, i feel stupid.
but i dont know what happened!
i just dont remember seeing myself running in that railing direction.
my dad said i probably "passed out" for a while.
and he says its because i didnt eat breakfast.
so, he offered to boil me an egg every morning.
but, no thanks:)
well, i think i should start on my homework.
Chinese 0's is in about 60 days' time!!!

3 more days...(<333)
2 more days... (CHANDNI!!!)
okay, my keyboard's acting up again:/

*oh, btw, sophy, if you see this, go see the pictures for ADC '09.
got my idol the picture inside!!! hahahaha:D quite close up also:)
and i still remember, he only smiled 7 times during the whole camp:/

Friday, March 27, 2009

8 + 6 + 6 = 20
if you get what that means, that's how screwed i am.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

yay! my keyboard's back to normal.
today's the end of common test, but it doesnt feel like it.
perhaps its also because i know how badly i've screwed it.
i shouldnt have let my mc gone to waste.
haha. just kidding.

today some of us had a break during the physics paper.
so we went to the top floor above the library.
we = kauthami, karen, eudea, glenda, hazel, teryne and jenna.
i couldnt concentrate with kauthami with me.
supposed to be studying amaths, started talking rubbish.
and we started to read all the vandalism (?) on the table.
(is that the proper sentence structure?)
then i started to fold tissue roses.
i sticked one on the table:D
after a while the rest came.
and i started making bird noises.
some real birds started making noises on a nearby tree also!
then the rest were like asking me to shut up:/
and i asked them a very random question:
"who knows how to sing sweet escape?"
cause nowadays the 'dont forget the lyrics' keep replaying the contestant singing that song.
and eudea said "chia siew kian" (pure chem teacher)
all of us were quite shocked.
but apparently, eudea thought i said CSK and she meant it as "chia siew kian"?
sweet escape = CSK...
a lot of other funny things happened during that time:)

9 more days...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reasons why i dont like taking medication:
- because they're deceiving. just look at all the pretty colours they come in...but they taste horrible!
- because most of them that i have to take come in such huge sizes which i can hardly swallow.
- because each time i take them, i feel as though no amount of water can help me swallow them completely. there's just this uncomfortable feeling in my throat:/

10 more days...

i couldnt finish my emaths paper on time today:/
totally screwed.
i left out 11 marks worth of questions!
there goes my only hope for an "A"...

"i'm strong on the surface; not all the way through
i've never been perfect; but neither have you..."

Monday, March 23, 2009

my brother's friend in Australia was possessed yesterday.
i dont know what happened in detail, but that's what i overheard from my parents.
the girl who was possessed was behaving strangely, breaking down all of a sudden.
she even told my brother to go jump off the building.
i'm really worried for my brother...
the girl was sent to the hospital yesterday, and my brother was made to tag along in the ambulance.
some of their other friends followed in a cab behind.
and guess what?
the stupid teacher who accompanied them on the trip just stayed in the hostel, crying.
shouldnt you be the one going to the hospital?
moreover, my brother and friends arent familiar with that area.
will you take responsibility if something happens to them?!
but no matter what, i'll be praying for you kor.
11 more days...

come to think of it, i wont know what to do if someone i know gets possessed.
what will you do if i'm possessed?
i'm pretty curious to find out.
i told - about it, and she said that she'll walk away.
in case the spirit finds her chio-er and decides to go onto her.
it's quite obvious who this person is.
the typical her...
well, i'm not treating this issue as a joke, but i'm just preparing myself should anything like this happen in future...

i screwed the 3 papers today.
partly because i didnt study at all, due to the entire holiday packed with camps.
and i couldnt concentrate.
was feeling quite sick the whole day:/
my lit essay was super short...
i wanted to go home and not take the paper, but somehow, i did not.

Charlie '08 DELTA '09, ILY<3 united we stand~

Friday, March 20, 2009

i complained, yes i did.
but now, i yearn for another.
contradicting isnt it?
it made me think a lot, reflect a lot.
"i want to thank my platoonmates who were there for me..."
it was only a mere four day, but the bond was there.
helping one another to finish up food though we were on the verge of puking.
remembering each others' eating habits. (- cant take soya milk)
cheering. drilling. and much more.
it just doesnt feel the same, sitting on my cosy chair, in front of my com;
cause we're supposed to be preparing for lights out now...
everything felt like a dream, though it was tiring.
it just felt exactly like last year back in perth, when everything was so carefree...
right now, everything's so hectic.

we're only left with two months.
but will it end with a happy ending, like those in fairy tales?
mentioned above was only four days.
but we, are almost for 4 years.
each time we argue, i cry deep inside.
i think of the happy memories we had, during the start of 2006...
when we were sec ones, so young...
and knew nothing about how to behave...
it was sweet, really sweet.
i smile upon looking at every photo that we took.
i laugh upon recalling all the silly things that we did.
but, i tear upon us behaving like we dont know each other right now.
what has happened to our motto?
has it been broken because of the disagreements we have?
has it been broken because of others?
has it been broken...because of me?
i've not been your very best -, but you all have been my very best -.
i would rather be at -, then be where i'd be tomorrow.
because i'm afraid.
afraid that we would argue;
afraid that we wont talk to each other.
and i dont want it to happen, cause it's our last...
will we actually still be as close, after we -?

right now, i'm up all alone at home.
and i dont know why, but i'm breaking down.
i want you back so badly from australia, i really do...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

i am super pissed off now, but i cant seem to explain why.

i shall start counting down.
20 more days...
i'm missing you a lot.
today's Saturday...
it's the day that you'll normally cook supper for me!!!:(

okay, i shall stop emo-ing.
when i saw my bro off a week ago, i wrote him a letter.
and he replied me via email.
he mentioned:
"and yea,i saw ur letter,really touchin!!! i wanna scold u! make me cry!"
i'm surprised that he cried.
okay, i dont think he really cried lah.
maybe teared.
he hardly cries okay.
i shall consider being some motivational speaker or something.
since my words are actually so impactful!

i'm eating mango strudel now:D
my stupid cousin refuse to come over to my house to accompany me!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

it's because things cannot be the way you want them to be.
just like some fruits are meant to be sour; but bananas cant be sour.
because a sour banana cannot be eaten...

i just came up with my own theory.
does it make sense?

anyway, i've been a horrible slacker this week.
and it's only tuesday, my dear(s).
well, i screwed Geog Mock today:/


Monday, March 9, 2009

i just webcam-ed with my brother:D
okay, now i have to chiong my homework:/

Sunday, March 8, 2009

fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars...
nope, you dont have to, cause i am already over the moon!
okay, i know i'm very lame.
but it's good joke right? although its not funny.
would you have thought of it huh?
okay, i am very happy now.
cause i received a sms the first thing i woke up this morning from my brother.
and he just called back.
so poor thing, the hostel that he's staying in, the room's damn small.
and it's like filled with 3 double-decked beds.
sucky hostel.
and he has to cook his own dinner.
his friends are really lucky.
cause they have a good cook among them!
my brother just cooked dinner for them.

tuition was quite okay today:)
first lesson with hazel.
and yes, i think the teacher is gay.
he sticks his pinky (sp?) out when he writes on the board!
i bought a new handphone strap:D
(it's the one chen recommended me to buy the other day, when i had no money)
and i bought new markers:D
simple things which i do to make myself happy:):):)
but kelly, you MUST save money!

i kind of prefer you to be overseas, then you'll try to make time for me:)
but i prefer more (is this proper english?) to have you around with me...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

i really cant help but worry.
and i want to tell you so badly not to go.
but everyone might just think that i'm being stupid.
i've never been away from you for so long...
now, nobody's gonna stay up with me at night, so that i wont feel scared.
nobody's gonna cook supper for me.
nobody's gonna be my listening ear when i want to rant.
well, at least it's only for the next one month:/

everytime somebody close to me goes abroad, i get really worried.
just that i dont show it.
and unless i'm abroad with them.
it's not so much about the course that's affecting me.
it's just me. i'm like that.
and i dont know why.
just imagine not being able to see someone you love again...
the feeling is just so horrible...

brother's leaving in three and a half hours:(

the past few days had been rather mentally and emotionally challenging for me.
but of all that they've said to us, most importantly, i've learned to value my family even more.
the life stories that i've heard today, made me realise how important they mean to me...

the girl who didnt bid her parents goodbye when they left for an overseas trip as she was too busy playing her computer. in the end, her parents never came back, as they were killed in an accident while overseas.

this made me reflect, on the times when i reluctantly say bye to my parents, my brother...
or sometimes, i would not even bother to.
right now, i'm really afraid, that one day i might just lose them.
i realised that i really cannot afford to lose my parents, my brother or my other relatives.
i wouldnt be able to take it, seriously.

i admire - for her courage to share her story about her parents with us just now.
she remained strong despite all the troubles she faced.
i guess i wouldnt be able to do the same, if i were in her shoes...

tomorrow, my brother would be leaving for Australia.
he would only be back after a month.
i dont know why, but i'm really worried.
i'm worried that something unfortunate would happen to him..
i really am.
because i love him so much...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

it's pretty weird for me to be blogging now.
i never felt so free since 2009 started.
okay, tomorrow and tomorrow the tomorrow and tomorrow the tomorrow the tomorrow is slack day at school:)
although we are only "dismissed" at 9p.m.
but at least there are no tests / mock exams etc etc.
hopefully the talk will be interesting.
if not i'll be wasting my 13 hours X 3 days at school.
"i am gifted, so are you..."

i couldnt finish emaths test today.
i slept during english mock today. (but i still completed it okay! pro right? haha:D)
i screwed up ss mock today. (dont listen to the hints other classes drop. believe in yourself. seriously.)

the weather today is super cold.
but i like school today.
excluding the test and mocks.
i had one + one + half = two and a half hours of FREE PERIOD!
okay, in other words, i only had emaths lesson today:)
there's suddenly this determination in me to study.
this morning i woke up feeling super tired.
so i told myself to sleep during all the free periods.
but i ended up studying for SS and teaching some others EMATHS:)
i'm proud of you, kelly!!!

after school, she, she and i went to macs.
i ate the most there:/
i'm starting to feel like a pig.
well i think i'm already considered as one.
i'm craving for a lot of food nowadays.
which is bad.
then we started talking about the list of items to get for - during -.
haha:D a lot of crappy ideas came up.
mostly from me though:)
then went with her to buy more FOOD from ntuc while she went off.
when i alighted at my house the bus stop, i saw him again.
why do i keep bumping into him???
i keep seeing him this week.
actually its only yesterday and today lah.
oh. my cousin.

yesterday after school we discussed about -.
planned for G.W.
and so started telling G stories.
it was super freaky.
especially when that stupid wani, sitting beside me said:
"eh. wait. are any of you putting your hands on my shoulders?" (or something like that)
i totally screamed. and i cant believe i cried.
that was how freaked out i was.
but the fear only lasted a while.
thanks for the hug lao kan<3
i'm really scared that something bad will happen to us during -.
us = charlie.
i'm scared that i'll screw up.
all these years, all the - appeared so brave, not at all frightened.
and it's partly cause i had the mindset that no matter what happens, they are there to help.
seriously, i really thought that way.
but i dont think i'll be able to do the same for them.
how?! how?! how?!

okay, i WILL study for geog.

"i love you and that's all i really know..."




chair and table:)))

our group:D

nice picture! i like the background.
btw, i took it:)

pretty pretty picture:)

chen:) the only took one picture with her...
and i think it's not very pretty:(


cui xiao. hazel. chen. hanisah.

chris:) she sat with me on the bus.

okay, there are more photos.
but i'm lazy to upload them.

"And if you ask me if I love him, I’d lie..."


Kelly :D





December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

