Saturday, February 21, 2009

there's just something against my mouth the past 2 days.
on thursday morning, i was brushing my teeth while i was half asleep.
and then i cut the underside of my tongue, it bled. (DAMN PAINFUL!)
so the whole day i tried not to move my tongue while talking.
during PE, while fighting for the ball, i slipped, resulting in ct accidentally kicking my jaw with her knee.
my jaw felt damn sore and my eardrums were hurting, i dont know why.
this morning i woke up with a horrible sore throat. coughed like crazy the whole day.
just now went out with bro and cousin for dinner.
after that they went to the arcade for a while.
i tagged along.
then we played the table air hockey, or whatever you call that.
another plug, flew from another table and hit me on my lips/teeth.
i had no bloody idea how those people play.
but it was super painful.
see how LUCKY i am???

i'm really really super bored now.
- just pang seh-ed me for our movie date:(
so now i am stoning at home.
i know i should and must study, but i dont want to.
my throat is really bad.
but looking on the bright side, at least my gastritis is gone.
i dont know why, but - is the first person to come to my mind everytime i'm bored.
and i just get super pissed off when i dont receive any sms at such a time.
you may be feeling damn sian reading my post now, cause i'm feeling sian typing all these.
- promised to read my blog, but i bet - hasnt done so till now.
happy guessing who - is.
not all of them are the same person though.
just dont wana type their names out.
and if your mind is leading you the wrong way, make a U-turn.
i dont have a boyfriend.
neither do i have a girlfriend.
sometimes i really wish that - isnt attached.
then perhaps i'll get more attention from -?
- wouldnt flare up at me so easily, and be so impatient.
never used to be like that.
well, - just shouted at me.
so now i'm ignoring -, sulking at my screen.
i'm kind of missing - now.
yes, -, i'm talking about you.
please sms me soon, i think you'll make my day.
if only that person was smart enough to find out who i'm refering to.
life is very depressing and stressful nowadays.
i dont know why.
i think if i have a polaroid or fujifilm instant camera in front of me now, i wouldnt be so sian.
if you're reading until now, all i have to say is, I LOVE YOU<3
at least i know that you care.
what do you want to eat for dinner tonight?
i have no idea.
seriously feel damn bored now.
i cannot think of anything else to crap on.
i'm feeling feverish again.
that's bad.
now, not even famous amos or donuts can cheer me up.
cause i cant even eat them:/
on the way to ikea just now, it was raining.
and i was the only pathetic soul waiting for the rain to stop in the bus stop.
for the fact that the 'entire world' had umbrella except for me.
i stared across the road, and saw that familiar building.
how i wish that you still lived there...
and then the rain stopped.
so i quick-walk to ikea.
and on the way, i nearly slipped.
so embarassing.
see how depressing my life is???
okay, i'm getting more and more sian doing this.
so, bye.
and thank you for reading all the way till here.
i give you a hug. *hugs*
feel honoured right?
too bad for those who closed the window halfway...
okay, i shall go on msn now.
to find someone to entertain this pathetic soul here.

"i think i'm starting to love you..."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

CREZ AWARDS 2009<333

hey babe! thanks for sticking with me throughout this entire event:)
yea, i know i suck for the times that i've yelled at you, but please dont take it to heart.
i'm sorry. and you're not a useless bum okay!
you're a really great singer! wouldnt have gotten through the auds without you!
though the time spent on stage was only a few minutes, it was just so awesome.
thanks for everything!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey dear! you did well during your performance, so dont feel so disappointed okay?
i've enjoyed the show!!! haha:D
I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey zel! i think your performance was damn cool.
i like the way you all entered from the side doors:D
you're a super pro dancer!!!
wah lao. wah lao. wah lao. HAHA:D (inside joke)

hey dearest! sorry i couldnt be there to watch you perform.
but i believe you did a great job!
get well soon okay?

i dont think you'll read this, but i think you did a good job!
congrats babe!

ANNIE LIM (robyn)
hey punk rocker!
[i think this picture is damn cool...]

i think you're so small and cute on stage! haha:D
must jump more okay?
no offence!

Janeen and Hazel:)



A new friend i made!
Does she look like a sec 2? no right!
anyway, she's damn pro in playing the piano.

last but not least:
i really love you all like crazy!!!!!
thanks for everything!
the flowers, the gifts, the support, the mask, EVERYTHING.
i dont freaking care that i got scolded because you all ran up on stage with the flowers, cause - is just being a total bitch.

thank you so much:)

the mask i wore:)
pretty pretty!

the flowers i received yesterday:D
CHARLIE's damn sweet...

i wana upload the picture of the donuts i gave 2A.
but i cant find my phone cable...
okay, i shall upload another day:)


Sunday, February 1, 2009

my mum is like super fortunate to have a daughter like me!
nowadays the ads on tv keep advertising on frances yip.
and there's this song which goes "please...dont let this feeling end..."
ya, and my mum likes that song.
but she forgot the title.
so i went on the net and browse for almost all of that frances yip's song, downloaded them, listened to them one by one and try to listen for "please...dont let this feeling end..."
and in the end i found it!
quite proud of myself:D
cause it's like i only know that 5 words and those words arent the title of the song...
i spend like almost 2 hours doing that okay!
cause that singer is like no longer in the "trend".
so her songs quite difficult to search for.
and all her songs sound almost the same to me.
it just seems to me that the "please...dont let this feeling end..." can be fit into all the songs.

tio hui, well done today man.
and dont miss your JAP guy too much!!!

anyway, on wed, jo, sop, chen and i went for "copper food".
there's a hidden meaning behind it.
happy guessing:)
thanks for that evening! loves<3

kelly's not doing her homework, again!
oh and btw, like i've said in my previous post, i kinda screwed up my bio...


Kelly :D





December 2008
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