Tuesday, December 30, 2008

i am starting to like PONYO a lot!!!
it's so cute okay.
the girl who sang the theme song is only eight.
she looks very cute in the video, especially when she do her actions while singing.
her name is Nozomi Ohashi.

po-nyo po-nyo ponyo sakana no ko
aoi umi kara yattekita
po-nyo po-nyo ponyo fukuranda
manmaru onaka no onna no ko

now that ponyo has caught my attention,
i would most probably start buying ponyo stuff again,
like what i did during the CJ7 period:)
but i still like my CJ okay.
just not as much as before.
i still have my CJ toy, the CJ pouch that sop gave me<3
and recently, i went to bangkok and bought a CJ shirt:)

my bro is super sweeet!!!
why cant i be his girlfriend???
but actually if i'm his girlfriend, he wont have such a wonderful sis like me:)
okay, i'm happy being his sis.
cause it's for life:)
but if i'm his girlfriend...
you never know what will happen.
i'm sure you know what i'm talking about...

my eyes are horribly red right now.
i think i look damn scary.
well, it's not sore eyes.
it's my contact lenses.
i went for check up yesterday, and surprisingly, nothing's wrong!
no infection etc etc etc.
it's just because i've been wearing it for pretty long hours every single day.
and today my eyes were pretty dry.
just when i left house without my eye drops:/
how smart can kelly ever get???

okay, i really dread going back to school.
read the following sentence and you'll understand:
"next year you better mug and mug, dont chat on msn and slack anymore!"
get what i mean???
you can happily guess who said that.
well, there are many other lines, but i think one's enough huh.
or perhaps the rest didnt really get into my head.
truthfully speaking, i am kind of sick and tired of hearing such comments.
it's really annoying me, A LOT.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

so i am back to blogging again!
bangkok trip was fun!
cause of the riot, many people didnt dare go over.
so it's like damn quiet...
everywhere is mostly locals.
night markets are no longer crowded as before!!! I LIKE:)
last time when you try to bargain, you can only get a small discount.
now you can bargain till like half the price!!! (WOW!)
and if you still think the price is high right, when you walk away, some of them will call you back and lower the price!!! (MUAHAHAHAHA)
okay, does that explain how much i enjoyed myself?
oh, and i went for thai foot massage. damn shiok!!!!
but i must say that i didnt really feel that relax when i was away.
truthfully speaking, i was worried about class chalet and stuffs.
and of course charlie. i kept recalling how ys would say, "wah lao, you're damn lucky... can you pack me in your luggage..." and i would feel damn bad.
then i would try to imagine how things would actually be like when they're like right there with me:)

class chalet was quite a success... (in terms of planning and organising)
but was kinda disappointed at the number of people who actually turned up.
fyi, only jenna, hazzie and i stayed over for both nights...
but on first day, shyan joined us for a while at night...
and on second day, only millie and teryne came down to join us...
the pass the parcel game couldnt be played, but thanks jenna.
a lot of food were left over, but thanks to the bin.
well well.
i'm not blaming anyone for it, but i just cant help feeling disappointed.
nights spent with hazzie and jenna was fun!
we would walk to the downtown east area when its nearing mid-night.
(gosh, i hope that the teachers dont read my blog, or else the 3 of us are so dead.)
play sparkles(?) and fire in the chalet:o (we were too bored, cant blame us...)
waiting for the slow poke hazzie to finish her shower...
going to escape theme park with them, teryne and millie.
eating dinner while watching little nonya with them, teryne and millie.
etc etc etc.
oh, and sorry for putting my leg over you on the second night, jenna. HAHA:D

christmas party was fun fun fun<3
hope that they enjoyed themselves.
those words of gratitude were kind of heartwarming:)
oh, and i love fondue<3
thanks shan for the cherry!
thanks chen for crepe!
thanks sop for your poem! (even though it's from the net! haha, kidding.)
thanks lyn for sushi!
okay, thanks charlie for everything...
oh, my gift exchange present was from yee shan:)
and i received the same bar of soap that yee shan gave, from hazzie during the class gift exchange also!
so cool...

after that, before going back to class chalet, dropped by at pri school chalet.
kinda screwed. but at least i met up with chong, char, eiffel, sean and some others.
they're still the same.
but the other guys are just ungentlemen!
will upload a picture when i have the time:D

family christmas party was kinda fun.
supposed to go to my mum's side the party, but in the end because of my -, we had to go to my dad's side.
its not that i dont like my dad's side of the family, but... nvm.
anyway, we played bingo and my bro won the jackpot price of 100 dollars.
but too bad, i dun get a share from him:(
and at the party, finally talked to - after 3 years! (because of something which i would call, misunderstanding.)
enjoyed my first 5 hours of christmas with - :) (well, stupidly, via sms.)
i guess my phone bill will explode this month.
but probably mine wont be as bad as -'s, cause - doesnt even have free smses.

school is reopening in exactly one week!
and i tell you, i dun even have half my homework done...
well well...
i really dun want school to start, and the holidays to end.
once school starts, everything will be so crazy and stressful.
okay, but, i will get over it, SOON.
jiayous everyone!

i shall share something funny with you all that happened during the chalet while watching little nonya.
there was this part when yueniang's ma ma kowtow to the 2nd mistress (is it?) to beg her to let yueniang off or something like that.
in the end, her forehead was bleeding.
then when she went to see yueniang, yueniang asked:
"mama, what happened to your forehead?"
then jenna and i made up the following sentence together:
damn hilarious!
actually i only came up with the lipstick part and jenna said the make up my mind part.
okay, kelly must go do her homework now:)


Kelly :D





December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

